For the year of 壬寅 Yang Water Tiger, Wind-Wood Qi is excess in general. Shaoyang Ministerial Fire governs the first half of the year, while Jueyin Wind-Wood governs the second half of the year. We are entering the last quarter of the 4th Qi phase of this year. Currently the Host Qi is Taiyin Damp Earth, and the Guest Qi is also Yangming Dry Metal. Jueyin Wind-Wood has been working hard to assist the intercourse between the Dry Qi and the Damp Qi, which has been beneficial on our digestive system. As the Heavenly Qi continuously detaches itself from the Earthly Qi, Autumn has been sneaking in early this year. Deciduous trees have been changing colors and shedding leaves for a month while the weather still feels like summer.
According to 「月令」 “The Monthly Orders,” 物候 the seasonal material manifestations of 白露 White Dew are:
初候,鴻雁來 Swan Geese Pass Through;
二候,玄鳥歸 Swallows Go Back;
三候,羣鳥養羞 Flocks of Birds Stockpile Morsels.
During this season, Qi tends to be moderate in general, and people tend to develop Damp-related diseases, such as sensation of fullness and heaviness in the body. The suitable treatment is to support the Yangming Dry Qi to balance the Taiyin Damp Qi, tonify it with sour flavor, drain it with pungent flavor, and disperse it with bitter flavor. It is beneficial to ingest green colored grains, blend it with a smaller portion of millets, so that we are not damaged by the overpowering Dry Qi.
It is important to protect our lungs and the digestive system during this season. For people who enjoy meat, it is beneficial to add pork lung and/or intestines to the recipe.